Compline, Sung by The Compline Choir
Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United StatesSung prayers for the close of the day, offered every Sunday at 9:30 pm in person and via live-stream.
Sung prayers for the close of the day, offered every Sunday at 9:30 pm in person and via live-stream.
Join your colleagues in faith formation from across the Diocese for "Forma," the Episcopal Church's annual conference to support clergy, staff and volunteers.
Come walk in the woods at Dash Point State Park with Holy Hikes for nature therapy, contemplative meandering, fellowship and some cool reading from the mystics of the church.
Please save the date for our annual clergy retreat, February 3-5 at the Kitsap Conference Center in Bremerton. More details will be coming soon!
Join St. Peter's and the Circles of Color for the annual Day of Remembrance event hosted by local Japanese American community groups, plus lunch and conversation after.
Join us for an engaging and enlightening conference on A Year of Creation: How nature's seasons and Christian feasts cultivate creation consciousness year 'round.
Join St. Peter's for its annual Executive Order 9066 commemoration service, Japanese lunch and community conversation, plus a parish history tour facilitated by members of St. Peter's historic families.
Experience a weekend of peace, prayer and self-care with young adults from across the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia.
Join teens from across the Diocese for this online series designed to prepare for the sacrament of confirmation in the Episcopal Church.
Join adults from across the Diocese for this online series designed as preparation for confirmation or reception into the Episcopal Church.
Sacred Waters Center Open House, Saturday, April 26, 11:00 am-3:00 pm.