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Special Choral Evensong with a Celebration of Bishop Greg & Marti Rickel

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

A special service of Choral Evensong observing the Feast of All Saints will include a celebration of the ministry of Bishop Greg and Marti Rickel in the Diocese of Olympia, with a reception to follow.


United for Good: An Interfaith Prayer Vigil on the Eve of Elections

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join local religious leaders and fellow citizens who will gather in Seattle’s Saint Mark’s Cathedral at this unprecedented time. All are invited to join in this brief non-partisan interfaith service of hope, either in-person or via livestream.


Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way

Bloedel Hall, Saint Mark's Cathedral 1245 10th Ave E, Seattle

Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way
Making end-of-life and legacy decisions
A Workshop sponsored by The Diocese of Olympia and Saint Mark’s Cathedral


Ditty Bag Stuffing Day 2022

St. John the Baptist, Seattle 3050 California Ave SW, Seattle

Join with others from around Puget Sound to make Christmas care packages for international seafarers who will be in Puget Sound during the holidays.

Refugee Resettlement Office Benefit Concert 2022

Auburn Community & Event Center 910 9th Street SE, Auburn, WA, United States

The RRO is hosting a benefit concert with world music to benefit refugees in the Puget Sound area.

$50 – $75

Event Series Godly Play Training

Godly Play Training

St. Paul's, Bellingham 2117 Walnut St, Bellingham, WA, United States

If you or someone in your congregation is looking for an opportunity to receive training in the Godly Play method and philosophy, consider this fall offering at St. Paul's, Bellingham.


Climate Conversations


One-hour monthly Zoom conversations about things people can do in their everyday lives relating to energy usage to reduce their carbon footprint and reverse climate change.

Bishop’s Society Dinner

Museum of Glass, Tacoma 1801 Dock St., Tacoma, WA, United States

Join us at this annual event for Bishop Rickel to thank all those that are members of the Bishop's Society for their support of the ongoing work and ministry of the Episcopal Church.


Winter Camp

Camp Huston 14725 Ley Rd, Gold Bar, WA, United States

Ready to kick off your winter break the Camp Huston way? Come on out to Gold Bar for our Winter Camp program!


Comfort and Peace at Christmas: A Service of Healing for Aching Hearts

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

This liturgy (known in previous years as "Blue Christmas") will hold a space for prayerful care and companionship for those who find the holiday season a painful or difficult time.

Climate Conversations


One-hour monthly Zoom conversations about things people can do in their everyday lives to take action, reduce their carbon footprint, and combat climate change.

The Pageant of the Nativity

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Holy Scripture, multiple choirs, brass ensemble, and costumes of cathedral finery all come together in the soaring space of the Saint Mark's Cathedral nave—a Christmas pageant like no other.

The Art of Pilgrimage: A Wisdom School Workshop at Saint Mark’s Cathedral

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

A pilgrimage is a spiritually transformative journey to a sacred place. This workshop, facilitated by Phil Cousineau, will focus on seven spiritual practices intended to augment your travels, whether sacred or secular.


A Not-So-Quiet Day

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Children, youth, and adults will explore embodied spiritual practices through facilitated experiences and self-guided activities, with options for all ages and abilities.

Climate Conversations


One-hour monthly Zoom conversations about things people can do in their everyday lives to reduce their carbon footprint and care for creation.

Young Adult Contemplative Retreat

Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades 4700 SW Dash Point Rd, Federal Way, WA, United States

Experience a weekend of peace, prayer and self-care with young adults from across the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia.


Underhill House Listener Training

Underhill House 500 Broadway E, Seattle, WA, United States

If you’re looking for a new discipline for a holy Lent, Underhill House, a quiet place to pause for prayer, is offering Listener Training.

Gareth Higgins: How Not to Be Afraid

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle in person or online for an evening of storytelling and conversation with Irish writer Gareth Higgins, author of How Not to Be Afraid.


Queer Theology Workshop with Hugo Alas from The Santa Marta Center


In this workshop, we will understand what queer theology is, analyze the relationship between theology, sexuality, gender, and sexual orientation, and critique the assumptions institutional religions have about gender and sexuality.

AAPI Gathering with Holy Apostles

Holy Apostles, Bellevue 15220 Main St., Bellevue, WA, United States

The AAPI Circle invites all to join in worship and luncheon fellowship at Holy Apostles, a predominantly Chinese congregation in Bellevue.

CPG Planning for Wellness Conference for Province VIII Clergy & Spouses

Hyatt Regency Seattle 808 Howell St., Seattle, WA, United States

The Church Pension Group’s Planning for Wellness conference is designed to provide you with the knowledge and confidence to take charge of your finances, and the inspiration to live a healthier life.

Concert for the Human Family

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

The Concert for the Human Family is an inspiring genre-bending collaborative program performed by a cross-cultural team of musicians led by Kory Caudill and Wordsmith.

$25 – $35

Lenten Contemplative Retreat

St. Andrew's House 7550 E. State Route 106, Union, WA, United States

A quiet time of rest and contemplative prayer at St. Andrew's House on Hood Canal during the Lenten season.


Lenten Quiet Morning

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Lenten Quiet Morning at Saint Mark's Cathedral.

Climate Conversations – Reuse


One-hour monthly Zoom conversations about things people can do in their everyday lives to reduce their carbon footprint and care for creation.

Taizé Prayer

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join Saint Mark's Cathedral on Tuesday, March 14, at 7:00 pm for Candlelit Prayer with music from Taizé.

Holy Hikes

Hamlin Park, Shoreline

Join us at Shoreline's oldest and largest park for our March Holy Hike with new friends from around the diocese!

RRO Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Western Washington

The RRO is hosting a Krispy Kreme fundraiser for our private grant for refugees.


Children, Youth & Families Ministry Leadership Meeting


All who lead children, youth and families ministries are welcome to this quarterly gathering, hosted by the Diocese of Olympia! Grab your lunch and let's meet via Zoom to share best practices and strategies for starting or strengthening your ministry.

Transgender Day of Visibility

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join Canon Carla Robinson and others from the Diocese in celebration of Transgender Day of Visibility, 3/31 at 6:30pm in Bloedel Hall, Saint Mark’s Cathedral, or on Zoom (registration required!).

Youth Adventure: Holy Week Pilgrimage

Holden Village, Lake Chelan

6th – 9th graders are invited on a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage to the remote wilderness community of Holden Village, on Lake Chelan, during Holy Week.


Chrism Mass & Renewal of Vows Service

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Diocesan clergy are invited to join with our Lutheran counterparts for the Annual Chrism Mass, to include a renewal of vows and the blessing of oils.

Climate Conversations – Recycle


One-hour monthly Zoom conversations about things people can do in their everyday lives to reduce their carbon footprint and care for creation.

Local Climate Action (Postponed)


Join others from the diocese in discussing local climate action and future opportunities to support one another in this important work.

Cathedral Day 2023: Living Water

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Cathedral Day is a celebration of the community of the Diocese of Olympia—a "family reunion" for Episcopalians from across western Washington, when confirmations, receptions, and reaffirmations are celebrated, followed by a festive food truck lunch and afternoon activities for all ages.

Congregational Grades – What Are They? Why Do They Matter?


Treasurers and Clergy (and other interested folk) - join members of the diocesan Personnel Commission and bishop's staff to learn about Congregational Grades (and the impact on clergy salaries) that will take effect for 2024.

20s/30s Questioning Together: Sabbath and Rest

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join young adults from Saint Mark's and St. Luke's to explore the practice of sabbath with Canon Britt Olson and Mother Hillary Kimsey.

Climate Conversations


Monthly one-hour conversations on Zoom only, hosted by St. Mark's Creation Care Ministry about everyday actions we can take to care for creation.

Holy Hikes

Beaver Falls, OR

Experience God's handiwork in the natural world by joining this contemplative and family-friendly trek to Beaver Falls, OR with Holy Hikes of Western Washington.

Underhill House Listener Training

Underhill House 500 Broadway E, Seattle, WA, United States

If you’re looking for a new way to serve, Underhill House, a quiet place to pause for prayer, is offering Listener Training.

Courage on the Threshold Retreat

St. Andrew's House 7550 E. State Route 106, Union, WA, United States

Courage on the Threshold: Embracing Life's Changes with Integrity & Grace - a weekend retreat at St. Andrew's House.


Mothered by God: Divine Feminine and the Black Madonna

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join Dr. Christena Cleveland as she explores the Divine Feminine, especially in the context of her 400-mile walking pilgrimage across central France in search of ancient Black Madonna statues.


Climate Conversations


One-hour monthly presentations and discussions on zoom about everyday things we can do to mitigate climate change and care for the earth.

Archdeacon Gen’s Farewell Gathering

Diocesan House 1551 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us as we say Bon Voyage and Thank You to The Ven. Gen Grewell for her nearly 14 years as Archdeacon of the Diocese of Olympia.

Juneteenth Liturgy & Potluck BBQ

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

The Black/African American Circle invites you to a special Juneteenth liturgy and potluck BBQ at Saint Mark's Cathedral!

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

By the grace of God and the People of God consenting, The Most Rev. Melissa Skelton, Bishop Provisional of Olympia, will ordain four new priests.

Dinner with the Bishop for Young Adults

Diocesan House 1551 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

On one of the longest days of the year, join The Most Rev. Melissa Skelton for a fabulous dinner, music, and tours of the beautiful Leary mansion, home to Diocesan staff in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle.

ECW Opening Our Hearts Retreat

Wasatch Center at the Episcopal Church Center of Utah 75 S 200 E, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

Renew and relax, get inspired and fired up! "Opening Our Hearts" Women's Salt Lake City Weekend June 23-25.


Seattle Pride Weekend: Parade, Events, & More

Western Washington

LGBTQIA+ folx, friends, family members, and allies, let's show up at this year's Pride events as joyful and proud Episcopalians who know the meaning of hospitality and the wide embrace of God’s love.

2023 College for Congregational Development

Fort Worden 200 Battery Way, Port Townsend, WA, United States

Registration is now open for our weeklong summer session for The College for Congregational Development June 25- June 30 at Fort Worden, Port Townsend.


Children, Youth & Families Ministry Leadership Meeting


It's time for the quarterly gathering of leaders in Children, Youth & Families Ministry from around the Diocese! We’re excited that the author of the popular “Building Faith Brick by Brick” series, Emily Slichter Given, will be joining us to share about how she hit upon combining Legos and faith formation, and ways you can incorporate or enhance this ingenious practice in your own church setting.

Camp Huston Summer Camp 2023

Camp Huston 14725 Ley Rd, Gold Bar, WA, United States

Join us at Camp Huston for summer camp 2023!

$480 – $765

Saint Mark’s Cathedral Choir School Summer Camp

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Saint Mark's Choir School summer camp is a great opportunity for your child to grow in confidence as a singer, develop excellent musical skills as a chorister and sing wonderful choral repertoire in the cathedral's acoustic.


Refugee Resettlement Office Cookbook Fundraiser


The Diocese of Olympia Refugee Resettlement Office Cookbook is a culinary guide to dishes from around the world. Proceeds from this book will go to our private grant fund to cover extra costs for refugees in our programs. Our staff have submitted their favorite homemade recipes and cooking tips to share with people wanting to try cuisines from other countries. Put your apron on and dive in!

$20 – $45

Holy Conversations

St. Paul's, Bremerton 700 Callahan Dr., Bremerton, WA, United States

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Holy Conversations

Trinity, Seattle 609 8th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.” The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions. The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Holy Conversations

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Holy Conversations

St. Andrew's, Tacoma 7410 S. 12th St., Tacoma

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.” The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions. The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Questioning Together and Compline – 20s/30s

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join for a conversation with young adults to explore how different social, political, and geographic landscapes can provide different contexts of expressing faith with Canon Elise Johnstone from St. John the Baptist Episcopal, West Seattle.

Holy Conversations

St. Margaret's, Bellevue 4228 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Holy Conversations

St. Andrew's, Seattle 111 NE 80th St., Seattle, WA, United States

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Climate Conversations


Monthly Climate Conversations, hosted by Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry, are held on environmentally-friendly Zoom on the second Thursday evening of each month, from 6:30-7:30 pm.

Holy Conversations

St. Mary's, Lakewood 10630 Gravelly Lake Dr SW, Lakewood, WA

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Holy Conversations

St. John's | San Juan, Olympia 114 20th Ave SE, Olympia, WA, United States

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Holy Conversations

St. John's | San Juan, Olympia 114 20th Ave SE, Olympia, WA, United States

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Holy Conversations

St. Paul's, Bellingham 2117 Walnut St, Bellingham, WA, United States

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Holy Conversations

St. Stephen's, Longview

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Holy Conversations

Grace, Bainbridge Island 8595 NE Day Rd, Bainbridge Island, WA, United States

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

A Holy Waste of Time Retreat

St. Andrew's House 7550 E. State Route 106, Union, WA, United States

Adults in their 20s & 30s from around the Diocese of Olympia are invited to our annual weekend of fun, friendship, faith, and blessed time-wasting at St. Andrew’s House, a comfortable, rustic lodge situated on the Hood Canal with the Olympic Mountains just beyond.


Holy Conversations

St. Matthew~San Mateo, Auburn 123 L St NE, Auburn, WA, United States

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Holy Conversations

St. Luke's, Sequim 525 N 5th Ave, Sequim, WA, United States

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. We want to hear what you

Regional Confirmation Service

Christ Church, Blaine 382 Boblett St., Blaine, WA, United States

Saturday, August 26 11.00 am Christ Episcopal Church 382 Boblett Street Blaine, Washington The Rt. Rev'd Brian Prior presiding.

Holy Conversations

Trinity, Everett 2301 Hoyt Ave., Everett, WA, United States

During the month of August, you are invited to participate in a facilitated “Holy Conversation.”  The conversations will focus on the vision for the Diocese and how the bishop and staff can support congregations throughout our Diocese in living out their missions.  The data gathered in the Holy Conversation will help form the core of the diocesan profile—the descriptive document we will publish to seek applicants to serve as the Ninth Bishop of Olympia. In-Person and on Zoom. On YouTube:

Friends of Tent of Nations, North America: Seattle Reception for Bill Plitt

Diocesan House 1551 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

Bill Plitt, co-founder and longtime leader of Friends of Tent of Nations - North America, will be in the Pacific Northwest in early September. St. Mark’s Cathedral’s Mideast Focus Ministry and the Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land will host a reception.

Questioning Together + Compline

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join in for a conversation with other young adults about the power of connection when our faith is brought outside the church walls and onto the streets.

The Diocese of Olympia Vocations Day

Diocesan House 1551 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

Curious about whether you have a vocation to the diaconate or to the priesthood? Interested in speaking with others who’re wondering the same? Want to hear from deacons and priests about what their vocations are really like day-to-day? Come to the Diocese of Olympia’s Vocations Day!

Climate Conversations


All are welcome to join monthly Climate Conversations, hosted by Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry, held on environmentally-friendly Zoom on the second Thursday evening of each month, from 6:30-7:30 pm.

Eastside Collaborative Youth Group Kick-Off

St. Margaret's, Bellevue 4228 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA

Eastside middle school and high school students are invited to our Kick-Off Night to hear more about our joint youth group idea!!

Diversity and Indigenous Spirituality In the Southern Philippines

St. Mark's Cathedral 1245 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

Saint Mark's Cathedral will be hosting Bishop Ernie Moral of the Episcopal Diocese of the Southern Philippines (EDSP) for a hybrid forum on diversity and indigenous spirituality in their diocese.

Convene 2023 – Registration Now Open

Everett Community College 2000 Tower St, Everett, WA, United States

Gain new resources and support, and spend time learning from and networking with churches from every corner of Western Washington!

Daughters of the King Retreat

Dumas Bay Conference Center 3200 SW Dash Point Rd, Federal Way, WA, United States

Come join Daughters of the King at Dumas Bay Center with other women for an informative program. See you there!


Composting Workshop

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Learn about composting basics at home and how to use compost in your home garden from the City of Seattle and Nurturing Roots Farm.

Climate Conversations


All are welcome to join Climate Conversations, on the second Thursday of every month, hosted by Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry, held on environmentally-friendly Zoom.

Feast of St. Philip the Deacon & St. Simon

St. John's | San Juan, Olympia 114 20th Ave SE, Olympia, WA, United States

Join the PNW Chapter of UBE for a liturgy and potluck celebrating St. Philip the Deacon and St. Simon the Ethiopian Eunuch.

Holy Hikes – November

Dash Point State Park, Federal Way

Gather for a hike along the waterfront at Dash Point State Park, followed by a community meal at Church of the Good Shepherd, Federal Way - spend some time together outside!

“Discerning Call” with Killian Noe

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Killian Noe, founder of the Recovery Café Network, explores ways to discover how we listen for call in our lives in this hybrid (in person and Zoom) Wednesday evening forum.

Civil Rights Pilgrimage Info Session


Bring all your questions and curiosities about the October 2024 diocesan Civil Rights Pilgrimage to this Zoom info session!

A Visit from Taizé!

Epiphany, Seattle 1805 38th Ave, Seattle

Join us at Epiphany, Seattle for a beautiful candlelit evening of prayer, chant, contemplation and conversation as we welcome Brother Emile from the Community of Taizé in France!

Climate Conversations


All are welcome to join Climate Conversations, on the second Thursday of every month, hosted by Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry, held on environmentally-friendly Zoom.

Questioning Together + Compline

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join in for a conversation with young adults and Brian Sellers-Petersen on how food practices can reflect Christ in how we cultivate diversity and stewardship, support the land, and nourish mind, body and spirit.

The Philadelphia Eleven

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

The compelling new documentary, The Philadelphia Eleven, which tells the story of the first women ordained priests in The Episcopal Church, will be screened at Saint Mark's Cathedral on Wednesday evening, November 15.

High School Youth Weekend Retreat

St. George, Maple Valley 24219 Witte Rd SE, Maple Valley, WA, United States

All high school youth in the Diocese of Olympia are invited to a fun weekend away at St. George in Maple Valley!


Ditty Bag Stuffing Day

St. John the Baptist, Seattle 3050 California Ave SW, Seattle

Join the Seattle Seafarers Center's annual community event to stuff holiday gift bags for international merchant seafarers.

The Episcopal Church at COP28


Follow the important climate justice work The Episcopal Church is doing at COP28 – where they are encouraging us not just to “think globally and act locally” but to Think and Act: Globally and Locally.

Womanist Midrash & Biblical Interpretation with The Rev. Wil Gafney, Ph.D.

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Womanist Biblical scholar The Rev. Wil Gafney, Ph.D. will lead a Saturday seminar on Womanist Midrash, exploring the complexity of scripture and importance of translation as she interprets the Hebrew Biblical tradition of women prophets and leaders.


Ordinations to the Transitional Diaconate

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

By the grace of God and the people consenting, The Most Rev. Melissa Skelton, Bishop Provisional of Olympia, will ordain six new transitional deacons: Phillip Lienau, Theresa L. Newell, Lisa Bozarth Ozaeta, Martin William Pommerenke, III, Myra Ryneheart Corcorran, and Robert Gary Stevens, your prayers and presence are invited.

Friends Talking: Life in Palestine in This Time of War—Dean Thomason and Palestinian Priest Fr. Fadi Diab in Conversation

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

At this special Sunday forum Fr. Fadi Diab, Rector of St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Ramallah in the West Bank, will join Dean Steve from Ramallah over Zoom to discuss the current situation on the ground in Palestine, how the war is impacting our Christian siblings in the Holy Land, and how the prospect of peace can still be held in the face of such challenges.

Civil Rights Pilgrimage Info Session


Bring all your questions and curiosities about the October 2024 diocesan Civil Rights Pilgrimage to this Zoom info session!

Climate Conversations


All are welcome to join Climate Conversations, on the second Thursday of every month, hosted by Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry, held on environmentally-friendly Zoom.

Winter Camp

Camp Huston 14725 Ley Rd, Gold Bar, WA, United States

Kick off your winter break at Camp Huston's youth event for ages 8 to 16!

Holy Hike: December

Tolmie State Park, Olympia

Come to the final Holy Hike of 2023 as we commemorate the Winter Solstice at Tolmie State Park, Olympia, this Saturday, December 23, at 10:00 am.

Online Gathering for Clergy Serving Small Congregations


The challenges and joys of serving small congregations are unique. We want to begin regular conversation and resourcing for clergy serving our smaller congregations with a zoom gathering January 10 at 2:30 pm. There are many ways to define “small” for a congregation. It might mean clergy is not full time, or Average Sunday attendance is less than 75, or the congregation struggles to make ends meet because of budget shortfalls. If you consider your congregation to be “small,” this

Climate Conversations


All are welcome to join Climate Conversations, on the second Thursday of every month, hosted by Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry, held on environmentally-friendly Zoom.

Questioning Together and Compline

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join a discussion with other 20s30s about the roots of Mysticism, Celtic Spirituality, and how the Mystics practiced a spirituality rooted in discovering the indwelling Divine in all creation with The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty.

Debrief of COP28 with The Rev. Dr. Lisa Graumlich

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Hear about the activities and outcomes of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) with The Rev. Dr. Lisa Graumlich.

Civil Rights Pilgrimage Info Session


Bring all your questions and curiosities about the October 2024 diocesan Civil Rights Pilgrimage to this Zoom info session!

Forma: Faith Formation Conference


Experience the annual Forma conference, a chance for all who work in faith formation - staff, volunteers & clergy - to experience the latest in methods, perspectives and practices.


Sacred Ground Dinner

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Calling all Sacred Ground alumni and participants: grab some dinner, connect, and help us with Concert for the Human Family!

Concert for the Human Family

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

You're invited to the Concert for the Human Family: an inspiring collaboration between award-winning musicians and church leaders who believe in the power of music and storytelling to foster Beloved Community.

Clergy Conference

Kitsap Conference Center at Bremerton Harborside 100 Washington Ave, Bremerton, WA, United States

This in-person conference, taking place at the Kitsap Conference Center at Bremerton Harborside, will focus on opportunities for us to connect with each other, dedicated time to connect with ourselves, and time with The Most Rev. Melissa Skelton, our Bishop Provisional.

Climate Conversations


All are welcome to join Climate Conversations, on the second Thursday of every month, hosted by Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry, held on environmentally-friendly Zoom.

Holy Quiet: Contemplative Retreat for 20s & 30s

Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at Dash Point 4700 SW Dash Point Rd, Federal Way, WA, United States

Experience a weekend of peace, prayer and self-care with young adults from across the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia.


Creating a Safety and Security Ministry

Blaine Memorial Methodist Church, Seattle

Watching Over the Flock: Building Safety Ministries - Startup and new material for existing teams.


Questioning Together and Compline

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join in for discussion with 20s30s and Dean Steve Thomason on the relationship between money and Christian life with young adults. This conversation will be facilitated.

Creation Care Presentation

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

A hopeful presentation about the global movement to decarbonize the building industry, from Andrew Himes, Director of Collective Impact for the Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF) at the University of Washington.

Civil Rights Pilgrimage Info Session


Bring all your questions and curiosities about the October 2024 diocesan Civil Rights Pilgrimage to this Zoom info session!

Circles of Color Retreat

Rainbow Lodge, North Bend

Circles of Color, the Diocese of Olympia's ethnic ministries, invites diocesan members of color for a weekend of connection, visioning, and time together at Rainbow Lodge!

Practicing the Presence of God Retreat

St. Andrew's House 7550 E. State Route 106, Union, WA, United States

Join St. Andrew's House for Practicing the Presence of God with Paul Rietmann.


Climate Conversations


All are welcome to join Climate Conversations every month, hosted by Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry, held on environmentally-friendly Zoom.

Congregation Leadership Conference

St. Margaret's, Bellevue 4228 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA

Join other clergy and congregational leaders for the Congregation Leadership Conference - a combination of plenary sessions and breakout workshops.

Questioning Together + Compline

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join in for an exploration of Anglo-Catholicism with The Rev. Canon Linzi Stahlecker to explore theological themes with a focus on the sacraments, the importance of beauty, and a legacy of social justice.

Service of Lament & Healing: In Honor of Nex Benedict

St. Peter's, Seattle 1610 S. King St, Seattle

Join the Circles of Color and St. Peter's, Seattle for a service of lament and healing in honor of Nex Benedict, a transgender teen who died after being assaulted at his school earlier in February.

Advocacy Training Day

St. John's | San Juan, Olympia 114 20th Ave SE, Olympia, WA, United States

Get some church friends together for an exciting hybrid event designed to equip congregations in public policy, civic discourse, and election engagement!

Mideast Focus Film Series


Join The Episcopal Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land for their 2024 film series focused on critical issues regarding Palestine and its people.

Celebration of New and Mutual Ministry

Christ Church, Tacoma 310 N K St, Tacoma, WA, United States

You are invited to a Celebration of New and Mutual Ministry, with the welcoming of The Reverend Maria Gwyn McDowell, PhD, as the 19th Rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Tacoma.

Chrism Mass

St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Bellevue 2650 148th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA, United States

Clergy are invited to join colleagues from around the Diocese of Olympia, and our siblings in Christ of the Southwestern Washington Synod and the Northwest Washington Synod of the ECLA, for this service. This is a significant liturgy among ordained leaders of the Church.

Congregation Leadership Conference


Join other clergy and congregational leaders for the Congregation Leadership Conference - a combination of plenary sessions and breakout workshops.

Climate Conversations


All are welcome to join Climate Conversations every month, hosted by Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry, held on environmentally-friendly Zoom.

Questioning Together + Compline

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join for a conversation to explore what it means to practice Evangelism as Episcopalians with Bishop Melissa Skelton and other young adults.

Let Your Alleluias Rise

First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach

Let Your Alleluias Rise, a program of readings and musical offerings for Eastertide in support of The Compline Choir’s August 2024 pilgrimage to England

Let Your Alleluias Rise

Emmanuel, Mercer Island 4400 86th Ave. SE, Mercer Island

Let Your Alleluias Rise, a program of readings and musical offerings for Eastertide in support of The Compline Choir’s August 2024 pilgrimage to England.

Cathedral Day 2024: Pilgrimage to Your Cathedral

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Cathedral Day is a “family reunion” for Episcopalians from across western Washington. It’s a time for connecting across congregations and experiencing all your cathedral has to offer. This year’s Cathedral Day celebrates the idea of pilgrimage, with Saint Mark’s serving as your sacred destination.

Sober Spirituality

Diocesan House 1551 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

Come explore a mindful relationship with alcohol with author/spiritual director/coach/priest The Rev. Erin Jean Warde and other young adults.

Climate Conversations


All are welcome to join Climate Conversations every month, hosted by Saint Mark’s Creation Care Ministry, held on environmentally-friendly Zoom.

Affordable Housing Groundbreaking

St. Luke's, Seattle 5710 22nd Ave NW, Seattle, WA, United States

Join City Officials, non-profit groups, development partners, and the leadership of the Diocese of Olympia in the official ground-breaking for 84 units of family affordable housing at St. Luke's in Ballard.

Electing Convention

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

A Cathedral’s Complicity in Redlining and Restrictive Covenants

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Learn more about Seattle’s unique civil rights history and racial segregation and consider how church communities have responsibility to honestly face the historical practices of redlining and restrictive covenants and respond in just ways in our time.

Updates on Affordable Housing at Saint Mark’s

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join Saint Mark's Vestry leadership and Affordable Housing Committee to learn more about the project plans to redevelop the St. Nicholas School site on the Cathedral Campus.

Climate Conversations


A monthly Climate Conversation, on Zoom only, about everyday things we can do to make a difference and care for Creation.

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

By the Grace of God and the people consenting, The Most Rev. Melissa M. Skelton, Bishop Provisional of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, will ordain Phillip Lienau, Theresa Newell, Lisa Ozaeta, Martin Pommerenke, Myra Ryneheart Corcorran, and Robert Stevens to the Order of Priests.

World Refugee Day 2024

William C. Warren Building Auburn, WA, United States

Join the Diocese of Olympia's Refugee Resettlement Office and Lutheran Community Services to celebrate World Refugee Day!

Juneteenth Liturgy & Potluck

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join the Circles of Color for a special liturgy and BBQ potluck as we celebrate freedom, history, and the gifts of our Black/African American community!

Counselor Training

Camp Huston 14725 Ley Rd, Gold Bar, WA, United States

Counselor Training is a fantastic opportunity for any 16 years or older who want to be a camp counselor or simply would like to have more leadership development!


Israel – Palestine Today and Tomorrow

All Saints, Vancouver 2206 NW 99th St., Vancouver, WA, United States

On the ground in Palestine: View photos and hear stories that the news isn't reporting about the Israeli/Gaza War.

Hybrid Forum with Palestinian Priest Fr. Fadi Diab

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Fr. Fadi Diab, an Anglican priest at St. Andrew’s Parish in Ramallah, Palestine, will join us once again on Sunday morning via Zoom to share a report of life in the West Bank in these extremely difficult times.

An Evening with Lifelong Climate Activist Bill McKibben

First United Methodist Church, Seattle Denny Way, Seattle, Washington, United States

Join Third Act Washington members and friends, climate justice activists, faith-based creation care groups, and concerned citizens for a talk followed by Q & A with the renowned climate activist, author, and founder of Third Act.

Summer Camp 2024

Camp Huston 14725 Ley Rd, Gold Bar, WA, United States

Camp Huston's summer 2024 registration is open! Discovery Camps, Mini Camp, and International Discovery Camp all have space available! Bring a friend and join the fun at Camp Huston.


Sacred Spaces: Summer at Saint Mark’s

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

From Monday, July 8 through Sunday, August 18, Saint Mark's Cathedral will be open at special times for quiet contemplation, self-guided and docent-led tours, live music recitals, art experiences, and special events.

Summer Cathedral Choir Camp (K-8th graders)

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

The St. Mark's Cathedral Choir Camp welcomes all children, regardless of church affiliation, who are
interested in singing beautiful music in the striking cathedral setting, and making friends
while growing as musicians and children of God.

$175 – $325

Holy Hike!

St. Andrew's, Aberdeen @ Makarenko Park 1498 Stanford Drive, Cosmopolis, WA, United States

Join us for a Holy Hike in Makarenko Park near Aberdeen.

High School Choir Camp

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

The St. Mark's Cathedral High School Choir Camp welcomes all youth, regardless of church affiliation, who are interested in singing beautiful music with their peers in the striking cathedral setting, while growing as musicians and people of God.


A Holy Waste of Time Retreat

St. Andrew's House 7550 E. State Route 106, Union, WA, United States

Young adults in their 20s & 30s are invited to join us for our annual weekend retreat at St. Andrew's House. Rooms in the lodge are sold out but there is still room for tent camping.

$50 – $95