Ash Wednesday Service
St. Matthew, Browns Point/Tacoma 6800 Eastside Drive NE, Tacoma, WA, United StatesLate afternoon service (4:00 pm) open to all for the imposition of ashes beginning the Lenten Season.
Late afternoon service (4:00 pm) open to all for the imposition of ashes beginning the Lenten Season.
Ash Wednesday
Solemn celebration of the Imposition of Ashes
Solemn celebration of the Imposition of Ashes
Ashes to Go are being provided for those that are not able to join one of the Ash Wednesday services later in the day.
All are welcome.
Spoken Ash Wednesday Service in West Seattle
Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes - No Music
Ash Wednesday service with Holy Eucharist
Ash Wednesday Holy Eucharist Service
All are Welcome.
Traditional spoken Ash Wednesday service with the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist.
Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes - service with music
A brief service designed for families with children.
Ash Wednesday spoken Mass w/imposition of ashes
Traditional Ash Wednesday service including the imposition of ashes, Holy Eucharist, and music.
Ash Wednesday Service with Music in West Seattle
Ash Wednesday service with Holy Eucharist.
Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes, with the St. Thomas Choir.
All are Welcome!
On this day, the beginning of Lent, we are marked with the sign of the cross on our foreheads to remember our humanity as we hear the words, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you will return.”
Join us!
We welcome all to our Holy Eucharist Service for First Sunday of Lent
Sunday Mass for the First Sunday in Lent
Wednesday Night Healing Eucharist and Program on recognizing the face of God in every person, even those with whom we disagree.
Holy Eucharist with the Liturgy of the Palms
Tenebrae service on Wednesday in Holy Week
This is our annual service where we liturgically, literally, and symbolically live out the last night of Jesus.
Book of Common Prayer Good Friday Service
Good Friday Service in West Seattle
Traditional Evensong by Ascension's Choir, reception to follow.
Join us!
9:00 am: A light breakfast followed by an Informative Session on Lazarus at 9:15 am. 10:30 am: Holy Eucharist in the Church & streamed on YouTube
Palm Sunday Spoken Holy Eucharist in West Seattle
We look forward to welcome you and to worship with us.
Join us!
Palm Sunday: Sunday of the Passion service and Holy Eucharist
Palm Sunday Holy Eucharist with Music
Spoken Holy Eucharist Monday of Holy Week in West Seattle
Stations of the Cross in the Chapel on Monday in Holy Week
Spoken Holy Eucharist on Tuesday of Holy Week in West Seattle
Taizé service on Tuesday in Holy Week
Stations of the Cross Wednesday of Holy Week in West Seattle
Commemorating the Last Supper, with all-night vigil to follow.
Maundy Thursday Service with foot washing and stripping of the altar
Maundy Thursday in West Seattle
Maundy Thursday is Act One of the Triduum
Good Friday Prayer Book service.
Spoken Good Friday Service in West Seattle
Good Friday Veneration of the Cross service with Holy Eucharist
Observation of Good Friday, with Passion Play
Maundy Thursday: Agape Dinner and Holy Eucharist service
Good Friday Veneration of the Cross service with Holy Eucharist
Good Friday is Act Two of the Triduum
Holy Saturday Proper Liturgy in West Seattle
Keeping the Great Vigil of Easter
A joyful celebration that He is Risen!
The Great Vigil is Act Three of the Triduum
The Great Vigil of Easter in West Seattle
Easter Morning Spoken Holy Eucharist in West Seattle
Easter Day Festival Eucharist with Choir & Brass Ensemble
Celebrating the glorious resurrection of Our Lord.
Celebrating the glorious resurrection of Our Lord.
Join us!
Please join us for our Sunday morning Easter Service!
Easter Sunday, Sunday of the Resurrection, Holy Eucharist service with Easter egg hunt coffee hour.
Holy Eucharist with Music followed by an Easter Egg Hunt
Choral Evensong on Easter Day