Listening with the Spirit
The Priory Spirituality Center's offers a 2 year formation program, Listening with the Spirit, on zoom for clergy or lay people who feel called by the Spirit to be Spiritual Directors.
The Priory Spirituality Center's offers a 2 year formation program, Listening with the Spirit, on zoom for clergy or lay people who feel called by the Spirit to be Spiritual Directors.
Go and Do Likewise takes Christians to the roots of our tradition find our motivations for respecting and working with people of all traditions.
A Province VIII gathering on stewardship trends. Former Bishop Rickel will speak on current status and trends in stewardship, areas of strength, and areas where opportunities exist for improvement.
Go and Do Likewise takes Christians to the roots of our tradition find our motivations for respecting and working with people of all traditions.
Go and Do Likewise takes Christians to the roots of our tradition find our motivations for respecting and working with people of all traditions.
Come join Bridge Disability Ministries for an informative time of learning and discussion at our third annual Beacon Church Collaborative Conference!
Go and Do Likewise takes Christians to the roots of our tradition find our motivations for respecting and working with people of all traditions.