Holy Cow Survey – One Week Left!
The Holy Cow Survey is open now through August 31
We need your input as we build the Profile for our Bishop Search. With one week to go, we are nearly at 50% of our survey response goal. Please take a few minutes to complete it, now!
Holy Conversations at St. Matthew’s, Auburn.
Only One More Holy Conversation Remains… RSVP, Now!
Please come and join us at:
Trinity Everett
Saturday, August 26
1:00 pm
Holy Conversations at St. Matthew’s, Auburn.
Valuable information for the Bishop Search profile has been gleaned from all our Holy Conversation sessions thus far. Thank you to all who have participated. We especially want to thank our churches who have hosted sessions this past week: St. Matthew’s, Auburn; St. James, Kent; and St. Luke’s/San Lucas, Vancouver.
Holy Conversations at St. Matthew’s, Auburn.