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We are pleased to announce that Brian Sellers-Petersen has been appointed by Bishop Rickel to the new position of Missioner for Agrarian Ministry for the diocese. While he will be working limited hours, he is available to work with churches on the development of their agricultural ministries. The prologue to his letter of agreement spells out the initial vision of this position.

The Missioner for Agrarian Ministry will develop and carry out a ministry of regular support and education, planning formation and guidance to congregations interested in beekeeping, vegetable and food gardening and other agrarian work related to the stewardship of all creation and care of the earth as congregations and the Diocese have need.

Brian Sellers-Petersen, co-founder of the Episcopal Food, Farming, and Faith Network, is an avid gardener at home and office (Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle) and a consultant to Seattle Tilth Food and Faith Initiative. He is the author of Harvesting Abundance: Local Initiatives of Food and Faith (Church Publishing). He has worked with Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) for the past 15 years in a variety of capacities, including as the creator/developer of ERD’s Abundant Life Garden Project curriculum, a leader of pilgrimages to sustainable agriculture programs in Ghana and Central America, senior adviser to the president of ERD, former Director of Church Engagement, and former Western Regional Director. He is on the advisory council of the Beecken Center at Sewanee, and previously worked for World Vision and with Bread for World. In addition, he has worked with All Saints Pasadena; the Anglican Diocese of Port Elizabeth, South Africa; and the Student Christian Movement of South Africa. He is co-founder of Cultivate: Episcopal Food Movement and currently works part-time with the Vandersall Collective and the Society for the Increase of Ministry. He has also worked for World Vision; Bread for World; All Saints Episcopal Church, Pasadena; and the Anglican Diocese of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. He currently serves as the Cathedral Apiarist at St. Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and Fuller Theological Seminary. He currently lives in Covington, Washington.

Please join us in welcoming Brian to the diocesan staff!

New Missioner for Agrarian Ministry – Brian Sellers-Petersen

2 thoughts on “New Missioner for Agrarian Ministry – Brian Sellers-Petersen

  • January 19, 2018 at 7:56 pm

    Will he also be working with farmers and others involved in larger-scale agriculture since there are farming areas in the Diocese?

    • April 17, 2018 at 8:14 am

      Hi Katherine,

      I am only seeing this now. I apologize for not responding sooner. I am very interested in becoming engaged with medium and larger-scale agriculture in our diocese. As someone who spent time as a child on family farms in Nebraska, I am keen to learn more about ministry in the farming areas of our diocese. Any ideas or assistance is greatly appreciated.

      Brian Sellers-Petersen


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