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John Kydd to Be Appointed Missioner for Climate Care and Climate Justice

John Kydd to Be Appointed Missioner for Climate Care and Climate Justice

From Bishop Rickel: Dear Ones, I am very pleased to announce that I will be appointing John Kydd to the position of Missioner for Climate Care and Climate Justice in the Diocese of Olympia. His appointment to this non-stipendiary position is the first, of what I would hope, would be many. The climate crisis is far to large of an issue to leave to one, or even a few people. It will take us all to solve this, and all

Bishop Rickel Speaks Out on Climate Change at Lambeth

Bishop Rickel Speaks Out on Climate Change at Lambeth

This from the UK Baptist Times Baptists speak out – at the Lambeth Conference! Dr David Golding CBE and Mark Francis, members of Whitley Bay Baptist Church and Trafalgar Road Baptist Church, Horsham, respectively, joined Christian Climate Action ( protestors of various denominations outside the Lambeth Conference on Wednesday 3rd August to urge the Anglican Church to speak out on the climate crisis. Encouragingly many bishops chose to stand alongside them and join them in prayer. “We weren’t there as

Lambeth Conference 2022 – Reflection with Trepidation

Lambeth Conference 2022 – Reflection with Trepidation

Dear Ones, Lambeth Conference 2022 looms. I leave on Monday to travel to this most usual but hardly met every decade event. The last one was in 2008 and I was there. Like the last one, as we approach, my colleagues in the House of Bishops, or at least in Province VIII, are distraught, and yet I am not surprised, at the bait and switch put forth by Lambeth Palace and the planners just in the lst 24 hours. You

Bishop Rickel’s Statement on The Rev Rachel Taber-Hamilton’s Election to House of Deputies

Bishop Rickel’s Statement on The Rev Rachel Taber-Hamilton’s Election to House of Deputies

Dear Good People of the Diocese of Olympia, I am so pleased to let you know, what many of you already know, our very own the Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton was elected Vice President of the House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church in Baltimore at our 80th General Convention. This is a great tribute to Rachel and her long and tireless work for the good of this Church and it is a good development for our collective life in the

Bishop Rickel’s Statement Regarding Overturning Roe vs. Wade

Bishop Rickel’s Statement Regarding Overturning Roe vs. Wade

Dear People of the Diocese of Olympia, I am just now on board a plane flying back from the Holy Land Pilgrimage which had been postponed twice due to the pandemic. I am glad to report that we successfully walked in the footsteps of Christ and were able to do that safely, and in health by and large. Of the many joys and moving moments along this journey no doubt the saddest moment was our hearing of the US Supreme

Bishop Rickel’s Statement regarding Credible Threats Against Clergy and Houses of Worship

Bishop Rickel’s Statement regarding Credible Threats Against Clergy and Houses of Worship

Bishop Rickel’s Statement regarding Credible Threats Against Clergy and Houses of Worship June 24, 2022 Dear Ones, With the overturning of Roe V Wade today we have just received this from the Presiding Bishop’s office. I know there are a host of feelings about all of this. I am, personally, deeply saddened by it but I pass this along and as I receive any other information I do promise to let you know. I am traveling in Jordan on pilgrimage

Bishop Rickel’s Statement on the Shooting at Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Vestavia Hills, Alabama

Bishop Rickel’s Statement on the Shooting at Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Vestavia Hills, Alabama

Dear Ones, As the Bishop of Alabama says in her first words sent to the Church, what we all thought was impossible, or hoped was, came true today. And, of course, why is it that it has to come to our doorstep to get the full import and reality of this current state in our society? But now it has. Many of you know I am currently leading a twice cancelled pilgrimage to the Holy Land. We are currently on