In late September and early October, our diocese was honored to host Bishop Ernie Moral, his wife Shirmen Moral, and Gideon Bustamante, Regional Development Officer at Episcopal CARE Foundation Inc., as visitors and friends from the Episcopal Diocese of the Southern Philippines (EDSP). The purpose of their visit was to share updates and dialogue about how we might grow our dioceses’ Carbon Offset partnership which began in 2012.
There was also a great focus on knowledge exchange and Creation Care efforts as climate chaos continue to devastate frontline, indigenous communities (like in the Philippines) who have contributed little to global heating.

As this was the group’s first visit to the US, they got to see a number of the diverse sights, museums, churches, and natural habitats in Western WA. They were also able to visit Northern CA for a partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development to learn about some of the wildfire relief efforts of that diocese.
Here are some of the highlights from our time together:
- Gospelfest at St. Margaret’s
- Sight seeing tour of Seattle and visit to the Mission to Seafarers
- Governing Bodies, Creation Care, and Circles of Color/Filipino Episcopalian dinner socials
- Meetings with St. John’s, Snohomish who co-hosted a pig roast potluck with Holy Cross, Redmond at Food Bank Farm; visits with Grace and St. Barnabas, Bainbridge and Gifts of Dirt farm; and visit with St. Andrew’s, Seattle
- Guest preaching and forums on Indigenous Spirituality at Saint Mark’s Cathedral and Trinity, Everett
- Convene worship, presentation on EDSP Creation Care and the Carbon Offset program, signing an extension of our partnership with Bishop Melissa
- So much great conversation and new ideas over exquisite food!

Over the next few months and into 2024, a diocesan working group will collaborate with EDSP leaders to expand and strengthen our partnership. We hope to have a new covenant available for our next bishop to sign. We will be updating the diocesan Carbon Offset website, and in the meantime, EDSP’s Facebook is another great source. Stay tuned for additional updates, reflections, and ways to get involved!

It was great to meet Bishop Moral and learn more about their Creation Care work in EDSP. I look forward to hearing more about how we can strengthen our relationship with the people in that diocese