“Faith formation encompasses the ministries and activities offered by the church that help people grow in faith and in their understanding of and love for God.”

— Five Practices of a Fruitful Congregation by Robert Schnase

There are many ways that you can deepen your spiritual practice, whether on your own or with a group of other seekers. Here are a few options that are offered Diocese-wide and, if you know of others, please share the details with us by submitting this form.


Diocesan Resource Center

The Diocesan Resource Center is a lending library serving congregations and individuals in the Diocese of Olympia. It provides religious resources, in print and on DVD, with emphasis on materials for ministry, and includes books on the reading list for the College for Congregational Development and the Iona Olympia School, as well as having material on a variety of subjects of use in Sunday forums and study groups. A selection of materials from the Resource Center library is on display at many diocesan events and material can be checked out at that time; our catalog is online. Visits to the library at Diocesan House are welcome, and we also mail materials. For more information, please contact Sue Tait, Director of the Resource Center.

Online Catalog


Education for Ministry (EfM)

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a faith formation program for laypeople (non-ordained members of the church) seeking to deepen their faith. The heart of the program is theological reflection, and learning to see one’s life in the light of learning, experience, and through group interaction. Developed by the School of Theology, University of the South at Sewanee, small groups (6-12 people) meet weekly over the course of 36 weeks to discuss the bible and assigned texts with classmates. Currently over fifteen seminar groups in this diocese participate. Students only sign up for one year at a time, but the entire course covers four years and includes an overview of Christian tradition including church history, ethics, and worship. Each group is led by a trained mentor, who facilitates the group. For more information about joining a group or any questions, please contact Dean Mielke, the volunteer Diocesan EfM Coordinator.

Education for Ministry


Iona Olympia

The Diocese of Olympia offers an Iona Initiative School (called Iona Olympia) for postulants seeking ordination in the diaconate, for some seeking local ordination as priests and deacons, and for lay persons who feel called to such training. We use the Seminary of the Southwest’s Iona Initiative curriculum as our baseline for both academic and practical education, enhancing and modifying it to meet our local needs.  It is a three year program, that runs from September through May.  The Iona Olympia School meets one weekend a month, usually at St. Andrew’s House Retreat Center.  Students prepare for the weekends through reading and viewing videos  During the weekends, students engage in large and small group discussions and activities, participate in and lead liturgies, and practice preaching.

Iona Website


Licensed Ministry Training

Sue Tait, Director of the Resource Center, is available to provide Licensed Ministry Training or to send materials to support training locally.


The College for Congregational Development (CCD)

The College is a comprehensive training program that seeks to nurture and develop congregational development practitioners from within existing parish lay and clergy leadership. 



Meaningful Movies are periodically offered online by the Diocese of Olympia through the non-profit organization, Meaningful Movies Project. This is also something that local congregations can take advantage of. First you screen a documentary of choice — either in-person or on-line — and then host a follow-up community discussion with panelists who can address the topic at-hand. For more information connect with the Diocesan Faith Formation team or Multi-Cultural Ministries & Community Transformation team. 


Social Justice


Creation Care & Climate Justice


Spiritual Experience




Community Outreach


Is there an adult formation practice, activity, or curriculum that you would like to add to this page?  Tell us about it by filling out this form.


Recursos Congregacionales en Español

Eventos actuales y futuros, comunidades latinas / hispanas, noticias, recursos litúrgicos y de formación.

Spanish Language Congregational Resources

Current and upcoming events, Latino/Hispanic Communities, News, Liturgical, and Formation Resources.