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Baptism and Necrology Reports at Diocesan Convention

Baptism and Necrology Reports at Diocesan Convention

From The Rev. Josh Hosler: Dear friends from all around the Diocese of Olympia: As we prepare for Diocesan Convention 2024, it is time to gather the names of those in our congregations who have been baptized – and those who have died – since October 1, 2023. Once again, I am the person assisting the Commission on Liturgy & the Arts to gather these names for our printed Convention materials. Here are the things you need to know as

Call for Resolutions

Call for Resolutions

Convention resolutions are statements that reflect the vision and values of the diocese on a host of matters, from social and justice issues to ministry and business practices. There are no unimportant resolutions. In the Diocese of Olympia, resolutions are adopted through the legislative process. Any member of the Diocese may submit a resolution for consideration by the Convention, and it is recommended that each Convention resolution be submitted with the endorsement of a congregation and/or region/groups of congregations or

Ky Chen & Bishop’s Cross Award Nominations

Ky Chen & Bishop’s Cross Award Nominations

Deadline for Nomination Submissions: September 15 The Office of the Bishop has issued a call for nominations for two diocesan awards: the Ky Chen for outstanding employees and the Bishop’s Cross for those whose lives embody the spirit of Christ. If you know of a person deserving of either award, talk with your church office or leadership about submitting a nomination. The awards will be announced virtually during the 2023 Diocesan Convention on October 28. Nomination submissions are due no

2022 Preaching Award Submissions Now Open

2022 Preaching Award Submissions Now Open

It’s again time for preachers or for those who have heard an outstanding sermon to nominate a preacher and a sermon for the 2022 Bishop’s Preaching Award. This year, we will be accepting video sermons only accompanied by a written text. If you do not have a video version of your sermon to submit, it’s permissible to record one and submit it along with your text. We’re focusing on video recordings (accompanied by a text) to acknowledge the fact that

Gathering Baptism & Necrology Names for Diocesan Convention

Gathering Baptism & Necrology Names for Diocesan Convention

From the Rev. Josh Hosler: Dear friends from all around the Diocese of Olympia: As we prepare for Diocesan Convention 2022, it is time once again to gather the names of those in our congregations who have been baptized – and those who have died – since October 1, 2021. Here are the things you need to know as you report: Please separate out Baptisms and Necrology. If you have none of either, please specify that so I don’t need

Final Call for Candidates

Final Call for Candidates

To prepare for elections at Diocesan Convention (October 21-22, 2022), the Nominations Committee is sending out a final call for candidates to represent our diocese in four areas: Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, the Commission on Ministry, and at General Convention 2024. We are still in need of candidates for the following positions: Diocesan Council: In fulfillment of Resolution 4 passed at the 2020 Diocesan Convention, the Council will begin a 3-year transition to a new structure including both elected and

Episcopal Church Condemns Israel’s Oppression of Palestinians

Episcopal Church Condemns Israel’s Oppression of Palestinians

The Episcopal Church voted at the 80th General Convention to condemn Israel’s occupation and oppression of Palestinians and urge the United States to take action to oppose Israeli laws and practices that result in unequal rights for two peoples. The resolution was initially drafted in the Diocese of Olympia and passed at its convention last fall. The Convention also passed a resolution opposing the criminalization and penalization of boycott, divestment and sanctions movements as infringements of First Amendment rights. (Approximately

A Call for Candidates for 2022 Diocesan Convention

A Call for Candidates for 2022 Diocesan Convention

To prepare for elections at diocesan convention (October 21-22, 2022), the Nominations Committee is now calling for candidates to represent our diocese in four areas: Diocesan Council (4 regional positions clergy or lay and 1 Lay at-large), Standing Committee (1 lay, 1 clergy, and 1 clergy unexpired term), the Commission on Ministry (One Deacon position), and at General Convention 2024 (4 clergy and 4 lay, plus 4 alternates in each order). This year we’re seeking qualified candidates for the following positions: For Diocesan

Two important resolutions from our Convention going to General Convention

Two important resolutions from our Convention going to General Convention

Last fall, our Diocese overwhelmingly passed two resolutions regarding Palestinian rights. One is a resolution for General Convention that condemns Israel’s occupation and oppression of Palestinians and urges our government to take action in opposition. The other is an Education Resolution, directing us in our own Diocese to learn more about the Palestinian situation. The General Convention Resolution has worked its way through the hearing process and was looking ready to proceed to the Convention floor in July, however new

Nominations Committee’s Last Call for 2021 Diocesan Elections

Nominations Committee’s Last Call for 2021 Diocesan Elections

From the Rev. Edie Weller, Nomination Committee: The Nominations Committee is in the final weeks of conversation with those interested in potential nomination to serve on four of our diocesan leadership bodies. If you’re interested or would like to recommend someone for any of the positions listed below, please contact us as soon as possible. Our process concludes September 14 when we deliver the slate of nominees to Bishop Rickel. (Note: By our canons, individuals may be nominated up to