Camp Huston Summer Camp 2019 Camp Huston, Gold Bar | Summer 2019, Beginning June 25 Camp Huston, the Diocese of Olympia’s summer camp, serves children in grades 1-10. Campers have an opportunity to learn more about nature, God, and themselves while building teamwork and self-esteem. We also offer leadership development through our Counselor Training program for those who have completed 10th grade. Scholarships are available! Counselor Training: June 25 – July 4 ($435) Discovery Camp 1: July 6-12 ($591) Horse
Sharing the Abundance: Free Books From the Diocesan Resource Center
From time to time people donate books to the Diocesan Resource Center library, and after we have gratefully added what we can use, there are some still available. For years we’ve been thinking about ways to share this abundance with others in the diocese, and now, thanks to the skills of Josh deLacy and Kerry Allman, a new page allows people to see a limited selection of what is available. You can find this page below. Titles will be listed
Wrestling with God: Faith, Film, and Conversation
Wrestling with God: Faith, Film, and Conversation A Young Adult Happening in the Diocese of Olympia Diocesan House | March 29, April 26, & May 10; 7:00pm Join us for a monthly film series exploring stories that wrestle with faith – the beauty and the mystery, as well as the ways in which religion is used to oppress and exclude. In Silence, Jesuit missionaries in Japan confront persecution by the local authorities and must wrestle with the colonialism of mission
Young Adult Happenings in the Greater Seattle Area
Join others in their 20s and 30s for Faith | Friendship | Fun | Food Winter/Spring 2019 Questioning Together First Mondays of the month, year-round – A supportive group that discusses questions of faith and meaning over dinner. Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Capitol Hill – 7:30–9:00pm. ( Evening Episcopalians Sunday evenings, once-a-month. Curious about the traditions, histories and flavors of other churches in our diocese? Let’s check out the 5:00pm services at different parishes in the Seattle area, and maybe go
Better Together 2019
The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia presents: A Mini-Conference for Faith Formation Leaders Church staff, clergy & volunteers are invited to this day-long event designed to provide resources, inspiration, opportunities for collaboration, and ample soul care. We’ll start the day with a continental breakfast and then get rolling with our keynote speaker, the witty and wise Bev Gaines, speaking on Self Care: Soul Care. Bev is a spiritual director and life coach with two decades’ experience working in Episcopal and other church
The Way of Love: BLESS
From Sue Tait, Diocesan Librarian: The Way of Love: Practices for Jesus-Centered Life This material helps individuals, groups and congregations move more deeply into our lives as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. “Early in his ministry, Jesus of Nazareth was surrounded by crowds. He turned and asked, “What do you seek?” (John 1:38). Many of us seek love, freedom, abundant life and we seek Jesus. In this third posting of resources for the Way of Love we consider
The Way of Love: WORSHIP
From Sue Tait, Diocesan Librarian: The Way of Love : Practices for Jesus-Centered Life This material helps individuals, groups and congregations move more deeply into our lives as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. “Early in his ministry, Jesus of Nazareth was surrounded by crowds. He turned and asked, “What do you seek?” (John 1:38). Many of us seek love, freedom, abundant life and we seek Jesus. In this third posting of resources for the Way of
The Way of Love: PRAY
From Sue Tait, Diocesan Librarian: The Way of Love: Practices for a Jesus-Centered Life This material helps individuals, groups and congregations move more deeply our lives as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. “Early in his ministry, Jesus of Nazareth was surrounded by crowds. He turned and asked, “What do you seek?” (John 1:38). Many of us seek love, freedom, abundant life and we seek Jesus. In this third posting of resources for the Way of Love we
Just Ask a Librarian: Leading Sunday School
From Sue Tait, Diocesan Librarian: Do you have any information that I could give to teachers here to help them cope in many different Sunday School situations, some of which we haven’t even thought of yet? We do have material for teachers, aside from the instructions and hints that come with specific curriculum. For instance, Sharon Ely Pearson, active in faith formation in the Episcopal Church for most of her life, has compiled and edited a book called The Episcopal Christian
The Way of Love: LEARN
From Sue Tait, Diocesan Librarian: The Way of Love: Practices for a Jesus-Centered Life The following materials helps individuals, groups, and congregations move more deeply into our lives as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. “Early in his ministry, Jesus of Nazareth was surrounded by crowds. He turned and asked, ‘What do you seek?’” (John 1:38). Many of us seek love, freedom, abundant life, and we seek Jesus. In this second posting of resources for the Way of Love