It is a time of transition within our Diocese, and we have a transition to announce in the Office of the Bishop. The Office of the Bishop is pleased to announce The Rev Ivar Hillesland as Acting Canon for Congregational Development and Leadership Formation. In this half-time position, the Acting Canon will oversee congregational development, including The College for Congregational Development, and the coordination and deployment of diocesan consultants for MMRs and Vestry Retreats. Ivar will also coordinate congregational development
The Rev. Canon Alissa Newton appointed Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of New York
It’s with mixed emotions that we announce that The Rev. Canon Alissa Newton has been appointed Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of New York by The Rt. Rev. Matt Heyd, Bishop Co-Adjutor. Her appointment will begin March 1, 2024. Photo by Jenny Jimenez Alissa has served the Diocese of Olympia on the Bishop’s staff for the past ten years, beginning shortly after her diaconal ordination. Her first role was as Program Coordinator for Congregational Development. She then served
Staff Transitions in the Office of the Bishop
It is a time of transition within our Diocese, and we have a new staff transition to announce. April Caballero, Executive Assistant to the Office of the Bishop, has submitted her resignation. Her last day working with us will be November 27. April had an excellent offer to work for REI as a Senior Administrative Assistant in the Marketing Department, where she will be able to engage her professional skills and expertise in pursuit of a career devoted to outdoor
Staff Transitions
We have a transition to announce here at the Office of the Bishop. Deacon Brian Wright will be resigning as Missioner for Veterans’ Ministry in the Diocese of Olympia, effective immediately. We are all incredibly grateful to Deacon Wright for his years of service and ministry to veterans and to the Diocese. Brian served as the Missioner for Veterans’ Ministry for the past six and a half years, receiving requests for financial assistance from a few veterans each year who
Staff Updates at the Office of the Bishop
The Office of the Bishop is very excited to announce that Adrienne Elliott will be joining our staff as the Program Coordinator for Multicultural Ministries. Adrienne is thrilled to be returning to the diocese (mostly remotely from San Diego). After worshipping at St. Paul’s, Seattle, for 6 years and organizing with the Circles of Color, Adrienne moved to San Diego in 2021 to be closer to family while pursuing a Master’s in Climate Science and Policy at Scripps Institution of
John Kydd to Be Appointed Missioner for Climate Care and Climate Justice
From Bishop Rickel: Dear Ones, I am very pleased to announce that I will be appointing John Kydd to the position of Missioner for Climate Care and Climate Justice in the Diocese of Olympia. His appointment to this non-stipendiary position is the first, of what I would hope, would be many. The climate crisis is far to large of an issue to leave to one, or even a few people. It will take us all to solve this, and all
Staff Transitions in the Office of the Bishop
We have a transition to announce here at the Office of the Bishop. Alex Flannagan, Youth Ministry Coordinator, will be leaving the bishop’s staff at the end of the month. Alex says, “It’s been a blessing and an honor to serve the youth in the diocese, and those who minister to them. I have been inspired by the ingenuity, sheer determination, and above all, compassion of the leaders in our churches. Working with youth gives a sort of glimpse into
Staff Transitions at the Diocese of Olympia
We have a transition to announce here at the Office of the Bishop. Grace La Torra, Dean of the Iona School, will be leaving the bishop’s staff at the end of the month. Of her time at dean, Grace says, “For the last four years I’ve had the honor of working with the Iona School of the Diocese of Olympia, first as a teacher and then as the Dean of the School. I’ve had the privilege and joy of walking
New Canon for Finance Joining the Office of the Bishop
We are very pleased to announce the latest addition to the Office of the Bishop’s staff. Beginning on August 30, 2021, Charles Thorne will be joining us as our new Canon for Finance. The Canon for Finance provides oversight of all fiscal and accounting activities of the Diocese of Olympia including budgeting and forecasting processes, financial analysis, reporting, and financial planning, accounting operations, insurance needs, compliance with IRS, and applicable federal, state and local regulations, and risk management assessment. The
The Second Episcopate: Staffing Changes and Reorganization at the Office of the Bishop
To the Faithful of the Diocese of Olympia, I write to share with all of you some changes in staffing and a reorganization within the Office of the Bishop. These changes were carefully considered in conjunction with our new vision, and the idea of the “second episcopate” that so many of you resonated with and which came out of our year of discernment and pilgrimage. I first want to thank the many of you that responded to the letter regarding