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Create Your Own Pilgrimage!

Create Your Own Pilgrimage!

Even though this summer’s Youth Creation Care Pilgrimage was cancelled due to the pandemic, the Youth Pilgrimage planning team still wants to encourage everyone to embark on their own personal pilgrimage – no matter their age! Take your very own “DIY Pilgrimage” this year by visiting our pilgrimage website! You’ll find suggestions for local treks to do alone or in small groups, and we’ve included thought-provoking discussion questions and ideas for music, poetry, prayers, and readings to help make it

Webinars from the Diocese of Olympia

Webinars from the Diocese of Olympia

During this time of remote gathering, the Diocese of Olympia has been holding a series of webinars on a wide range of topics, including stewardship, faith formation, and specific topics related to regathering once our buildings open once again. Here you can find an archive of our past webinars, grouped by topic, if you would like to revisit the material, or if you missed the webinar the first time around. ReGathering Webinars <span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden;

Godly Play in a New Way: A Better Together Webinar

Godly Play in a New Way: A Better Together Webinar

While Sunday school as we once knew it is on hold, Godly Play storytelling can continue thanks to Zoom and a little ingenuity. The Reverend Kay Flores, St. Timothy, Chehalis, a long-time Godly Play trainer, demonstrates how you can improve your Godly Play outreach with a document camera, a technique which better showcases the sacred stories. Kay draws from her own experience, and that of other trainers from around the country, in offering tips and making recommendations on how best

Racial Equity Reading List

Racial Equity Reading List

During the Diocese of Olympia’s Town Hall on June 7, Bishop Rickel made reference to a number of books dealing with issues of racial justice and racism that individuals can read to learn more for themselves, to share with others, or even to start virtual discussion groups in their congregations. Sue Tait, our Diocesan Librarian, has compiled the list of titles mentioned by Bishop Rickel and added several others which might be helpful for individuals wishing to learn more. America’s

New Youth Ministry Coordinator in Diocese of Olympia

New Youth Ministry Coordinator in Diocese of Olympia

The Office of the Bishop is pleased to announce that a new staff member is joining us in our work of serving the Diocese of Olympia. Alex Flannagan has just stepped into the role of Youth Ministry Coordinator and will be working with our Faith Formation Team. As Youth Ministry Coordinator for the Diocese of Olympia, Alex Flannagan will oversee all activities for pre-teens and teens (6th-12th grades), including winter and spring weekend retreats and summer activities. He’ll work alongside

Texting God – The Spirituality of Youth: A Better Together Webinar

Texting God – The Spirituality of Youth: A Better Together Webinar

<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span><span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span>The Diocese of Olympia is pleased to present faith formation educator and resource, Sharon Ely Pearson. This online workshop and follow-up Q&A on: “Texting God: The Spirituality of Youth” was originally held on April 29. Sharon says, “The Millennial Generation (born between 1980-2001) and the New Silent Generation (2001-2020) are the youth and children of today. They are connected to

Children’s Presence in Worship – Full Participation or Brief Appearance: A Better Together Webinar

Children’s Presence in Worship – Full Participation or Brief Appearance: A Better Together Webinar

<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span>The Diocese of Olympia is pleased to offer a little shelter-at-home continuing education with faith formation educator, Sharon Ely Pearson. This lecture and follow-up conversation on “Children’s Presence in Worship: Full Participation or Brief Appearance?” was originally held on Wednesday, April 22. Sharon says: “In these times of declining church membership, mainline congregations put considerable weight on the presence of children as an indicator of congregational vitality. But how do

Just Ask a Librarian

Just Ask a Librarian

From Sue Tait, Diocesan Librarian: Question: It is hard to know even what to ask about the future and what might be needed. Do you have any materials? Sue says: There are wonderful Faith Formation links available on our diocesan website. Click here and scroll down to the Faith Formation section. New articles and suggestions are frequently added to the Building Faith website from the Virginia Theological Seminary. For instance, they present a Lifelong Learning monthly webinar, and the topic on May 21 addresses

Faith Formation in a Changing Church: A Better Together Webinar with Sharon Ely Pearson

Faith Formation in a Changing Church: A Better Together Webinar with Sharon Ely Pearson

<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span>Last month, Sharon Ely Pearson would have been the keynote speaker at the Diocese of Olympia’s annual faith formation mini-conference, Better Together. That event was cancelled, but thanks to Sharon and Zoom, we are able to share those remarks with you now through a recently recorded webinar. Sharon Ely Pearson has worn many hats in the Episcopal Church, but you probably know her best as an author, blogger, educator, and

Just Ask a Librarian…

Just Ask a Librarian…

Question: What is new or noteworthy in books for Easter? I seem to gravitate to the same titles and ideas year after year. I’m particularly interested in looking beyond Easter as an event in time, to Easter as a season and even a way of incorporating the Easter message in our lives. Sue Says: I’m so glad you asked. I can think of several books for different ages to tell you about. If you are searching for material for small