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Just Ask a Librarian…

Just Ask a Librarian…

Question: What is new or noteworthy in books for Easter? I seem to gravitate to the same titles and ideas year after year. I’m particularly interested in looking beyond Easter as an event in time, to Easter as a season and even a way of incorporating the Easter message in our lives. Sue Says: I’m so glad you asked. I can think of several books for different ages to tell you about. If you are searching for material for small

Sharon Ely Pearon Comes to Diocese of Olympia

Sharon Ely Pearon Comes to Diocese of Olympia

The Diocese of Olympia is delighted to welcome author, blogger, educator, and faith formation cornerstone of the Episcopal Church, Sharon Ely Pearson, to Seattle on March 7 and 8. Recently retired as editor and Christian formation specialist with Church Publishing Incorporated (CPI), Sharon brings over 30 years of experience in Christian education for children, youth, and adults. She has written and edited numerous books, including the best-seller, Call on Me: A Prayer Book for Young People; The Episcopal Christian Educator’s

Office of the Bishop Seeks Youth Ministry Coordinator

Office of the Bishop Seeks Youth Ministry Coordinator

Join our Faith Formation team and come work with youth in the Diocese of Olympia! The Office of the Bishop is currently seeking a 3/4 time Youth Ministry Coordinator to plan and coordinate youth events across Western Washington including high school and middle school weekend retreats, a week-long summer camp, a summer youth pilgrimage, a program for graduating seniors, retreats for youth ministry leaders, and more. The Youth Ministry Coordinator will be a member of the diocesan Faith Formation team

Episcopal Youth Event (EYE20): unite! ¡unámonos!

Episcopal Youth Event (EYE20): unite! ¡unámonos!

July 5-11 | Registration Closes February 9 | $1,000 Registration (1/3 Scholarship Available) “Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Put on my yoke, and learn from me. I’m gentle and humble. And you will find rest for yourselves. My yoke is easy to bear, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30, Common English Bible (CEB) Join other youth from across The Episcopal Church for the largest

Bishop’s Bookshelf: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

Bishop’s Bookshelf: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

From Bishop Rickel: So, on my sabbatical I got to read some more, but not nearly as much as I had hoped. Upon my return from sabbatical, I rediscovered all the time I have in a car! And Audible is your friend for that. I finished a book I have very much enjoyed called Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed, by Lori Gottlieb. I honestly cannot remember how this got on my

Learn to “Dance with God” at Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle

Learn to “Dance with God” at Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle

The Wisdom School at Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle is delighted to host faith formation guru Gertrud Mueller Nelson in a series of workshops that are free and open to all. Nelson is known internationally as an illustrator, author, and speaker. Her books include A Wedding with Spirit, Build Your Own Bethlehem, and Here All Dwell Free. Clergy, staff, volunteers, and families will benefit from Nelson’s guidance on developing faith at home and at church, as well as her emphasis on

Just Ask a Librarian…

Just Ask a Librarian…

From Sue Tait, Director of Resource Center: Question: Every year someone asks for an “instructed liturgy” and I’m wondering if you know of anything in print or online. Answer: Well, first it depends on what group you are trying to reach. An instructed Eucharist specifically for children would be different from one for the entire congregation. But recently, I came across a fairly new and entirely unique way of presenting the information to adults called How2charist. All you need is an email address to

Former Presiding Bishop Schori to Speak Across the Diocese

Former Presiding Bishop Schori to Speak Across the Diocese

The Diocese of Olympia is delighted to host the former Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, the Right Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori in Seattle and on the Olympic Peninsula as part of her participation in the diocesan Youth Creation Care Pilgrimage. During the course of the pilgrimage, she will speak at the following churches: Sunday, August 4, 11:00am | Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle Join us for Sunday morning worship; Bishop Katharine will deliver the homily. Sunday, August 4, 7:00–8:30pm |

Young Adults Invited to Waste Time at Popular Summer Retreat

Young Adults Invited to Waste Time at Popular Summer Retreat

It’s that time of year again! Young adults in the Diocese of Olympia, ages 18 and up, are invited to A Holy Waste of Time, August 16-18 at St. Andrew’s House, right on the Hood Canal, with the Olympic National Forest providing a spectacular backdrop. Time wasting options during the weekend include kayaking – boats are available all-day Saturday – swimming, hiking, or simply reading on the deck of the lodge. We’ll also offer optional activities like yoga, music (bring

Just Ask a Librarian…

Just Ask a Librarian…

From Sue Tait, Director of Diocesan Resource Center: Question: A few weeks ago, I heard Stephanie Spellers from the Presiding Bishop’s staff speak, and she mentioned a new curriculum for adults called “Sacred Ground.” What is that and how do I find out more about it? Sue Says: “Sacred Ground” is a ten part series on race and reconciliation that considers “family histories and stories, as well as important narratives that shape  the collective American story.” The guiding star, according