College of Congregational Development Conference Center and Camp Come and See…Go and Tell/Cursillo
Diaconate Episcopal Relief and Development Faith Formation
Iona Olympia School Mission to Seafarers Multicultural Ministries
Refugee Resettlement Office Total Common Ministry Underhill House
Commissions and Committees    

Photo: Jenny Jimenez

College of Congregational Development

The College of Congregational Development is a comprehensive training program. It seeks to nurture and develop congregational development practitioners from within existing parish lay and clergy leadership. Most participants are members of teams from congregations within the Diocese of Olympia, however the College is open to other participants and has hosted individuals and teams from other Episcopal Dioceses and the broader Anglican Communion.


Conference Center and Camp

The Diocese of Olympia has two retreat locations. St. Andrew’s House is a residential conference center in Union. Camp Huston is a summer camp and conference center in Gold Bar.


Come and See…Go and Tell/Cursillo

Come and See…Go and Tell is the Diocese of Olympia’s expression of the Cursillo Ministry which consists of a weekend retreat and Fourth Day (post-Retreat) activities that equip and inspire Christians for the work of ministry and mission. Key to Come and See…Go and Tell/Cursillo is discovering you are a beloved child of God and living out your Baptismal Covenant in an encouraging, supportive community.



The ministry of a deacon is to represent Christ and his Church, particularly as a servant of those in need; and to assist bishops and priests in the proclamation of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments. [from An Outline of the Faith, Book of Common Prayer page 856]



Episcopal Relief and Development

Episcopal Relief and Development is an international relief and development agency and a compassionate response to human suffering on behalf of The Episcopal Church of the United States. Our work to heal a hurting world is guided by the principles of compassion, dignity and generosity.


Faith Formation

The Episcopal Church believes that faith formation is a lifelong process that is unceasing, dynamic, hospitable, and both formal and informal. Individually and communally we are transformed through liturgy, the study of Scripture, learning experiences, and as guardians of God’s creation. The Diocese of Olympia’s Faith Formation team helps individuals and communities grow in faith through:

Children’s Faith Formation
Tools, resources, and events for building and enhancing your children’s ministry.


Youth Faith Formation
Tools, resources, and events for building and enhancing your youth ministry.


Young Adult Faith Formation
Tools, resources, and events for 35 and under ministries.


Campus Ministry
Tools, resources, and events for campus ministries.


Adult Faith Formation
Tools and resources for adult ministry, faith formation, and growth.



Iona Olympia School

The Iona Olympia School provides a comprehensive academic and practical curriculum for postulants seeking ordination in the diaconate, for some seeking local ordination as priests and deacons, and for lay persons who feel called to such training.
The Iona Olympia School is a three-year program with a rigorous, curriculum (comprised of textbooks, videos, discussion and activities, and field study) provided by the Iona Institute of the Seminary of the Southwest and adapted by us for our local needs. It will be taught locally over 8-10 weekends per year. Students will be in-residence at a local retreat center during the weekends, learning and growing in community.


Mission to Seafarers

Seafarers play a vital role in our daily lives. We depend on them to bring us food, electronic items, raw materials, and other essential cargo. Raw materials supply our industries and finished goods fill our stores and homes. In addition, we depend on the seafarers to ship our exports overseas to help pay for the imports. Without ships and seafarers, trade would cease and our lives would be almost unrecognizable.


Multicultural Ministries

The Multicultural Ministries and its committees promote and develop a culturally and ethnically diverse diocese. They are dedicated to the support of ethnic and multicultural congregations. The team encourages lay and ordained leadership of individuals of color and builds bridges of mutual respect and understanding between the Anglo and ethnic-minority communities throughout the diocese. The Multicultural Ministries team also works closely with the College for Congregational Development.



Refugee Resettlement Office

The Diocese of Olympia’s Refugee Resettlement Office helps refugees and asylees achieve economic self-sufficiency. Our mission is accomplished through resettlement, job placement activities, and business development programs that promote self-employment.


Total Common Ministry

Six churches in the Diocese of Olympia practice Total Common Ministry (TCM), discerning, developing and displaying the gifts for ministry of every member. Rather than a community gathered around a minister, they are a community of ministers.


Underhill House

Located on Capitol Hill in Seattle, Underhill House is a quiet place to pause for prayer or meditation, or simply to come out of the noise of life and gather one’s thoughts.


Committees and Commissions

The Diocese of Olympia has committees and commissions to serve the people of Western Washington.