Updated Friday, July 2, 2021
(Bishop Rickel’s Letter Announcing the Lifting of COVID Restrictions in the Diocese of Olympia; New Reopening Page from the Office of the Governor)

The following page contains requirements, recommendations, and resources for churches in the Diocese of Olympia put together by the Office of the Bishop as a response to the COVID-19 outbreak. We take these actions for the common good, to care for the most vulnerable members of our community.

As of July 2, 2021:

THE DIOCESE OF OLYMPIA’S PHASE-IN PLAN (April 2020 – Where information in the Diocese of Olympia’s Phase-In Plan conflicts with the governor’s orders, please follow the most recent governor’s orders.)



Requirements and Recommendations

Where information in the Diocese of Olympia’s Phase-In Plan conflicts with the governor’s orders, please follow the most recent governor’s orders.


The following resources have gathered for use by churches across the diocese.

2 Responses

  1. This is not the current set of guidelines. Please update so that members of the congregation are not confused. Thanks!

    1. It is found under Important Diocesan Information – A Guide for Gathering in Person: The Diocese of Olympia’s Phased-In Plan for Resuming In-Person Worship and Activities

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